Renewing Your Membership
You’ll renew your membership via an online Overlee Account. (You will NOT receive a paper invoice in the mail) You can still pay by check or credit card. Deadline for membership renewal is March 1st..
Accessing your online Overlee Account is easy, just
- click “Login” at the top of this page or on the link in Renewal email
- enter login email address and password
- if you forgot login and/or password, use “Forget your Login?” link to reset
I’ve logged in, now what do I do?
Once you’ve logged in to your Account, you’ll:
- choose your Membership for this summer under Memberships Tab
- (remember to hit Update button)
- pay your Dues (by check or credit card)
What happens next?
- you’ll receive email confirmation of your membership renewal
- (2 emails if you use a credit card)
What else do I need to do?
- Remember to send your check by March 1st!
If you have any questions, check first. If you still can’t find your answer, contact Maureen McManus at